Now You See
2019 Design Mark Winner, Golden Pin Concept Design Award (金點概念設計獎)_Taiwan
‘Now You See’ is the poster activism of marine crisis. The posters visualise the crucial damage to the ecosystem of oil spills, waste pollution, and land reclamation.
‘Crime Scene’ represents the pollution caused by marine oil spills to marine ecology and living things.‘Also Kid’ tells the story of human beings throwing waste at the beach and damaging their environment.‘Look Deep’ explores the sacrifice of fish for human reclamation.
Before it ends, now you see.
‘Now You See’是以海洋汙染為發想的一系列海報。以拼貼手法,創造一個不協調、超現實的畫面,展現人類製造的傷害。’Crime Scene’重現海上漏油事件對海洋生態、生物所造成的汙染。海上的油污同時也是犯罪現場的證據。’Also Kid’講述人類於海灘丟棄廢物,殘害自身環境。生物之間是沒有差別的,人們餵給海龜的垃圾,會回來淹沒自己世界。’Look Deep’探討魚類對於人類填海造陸的犧牲。魚看似微小、不受重視,而人們以惡小而為之,強行壓縮了其他生物的空間,血腥且直接。
purchase: Redbubble
‘Crime Scene’ represents the pollution caused by marine oil spills to marine ecology and living things.‘Also Kid’ tells the story of human beings throwing waste at the beach and damaging their environment.‘Look Deep’ explores the sacrifice of fish for human reclamation.
Before it ends, now you see.
‘Now You See’是以海洋汙染為發想的一系列海報。以拼貼手法,創造一個不協調、超現實的畫面,展現人類製造的傷害。’Crime Scene’重現海上漏油事件對海洋生態、生物所造成的汙染。海上的油污同時也是犯罪現場的證據。’Also Kid’講述人類於海灘丟棄廢物,殘害自身環境。生物之間是沒有差別的,人們餵給海龜的垃圾,會回來淹沒自己世界。’Look Deep’探討魚類對於人類填海造陸的犧牲。魚看似微小、不受重視,而人們以惡小而為之,強行壓縮了其他生物的空間,血腥且直接。
purchase: Redbubble